Results for 'Robert de Loaiza'

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  1.  10
    Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age.Robert de Loaiza (ed.) - 1993 - University of Chicago Press.
    Can subjective, individual taste be reconciled with an objective, universal standard? In _Homo Aestheticus,_ Luc Ferry argues that this central problem of aesthetic theory is fundamentally related to the political problem of democratic individualism. Ferry's treatise begins in the mid-1600s with the simultaneous invention of the notions of taste and modern democracy. He explores the differences between subjectivity and individuality by examining aesthetic theory as developed first by Kant's predecessors and then by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and proponents of the avant-garde. (...)
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    Why We Are Not Nietzscheans.Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut & Robert de Loaiza (eds.) - 1997 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    "To think with Nietzsche against Nietzsche." Thus the editors describe the strategy adopted in this volume to soften the destructive effects of Nietzsche's "philosophy with a hammer" on French philosophy since the 1960s. Frustrated by the infinite inclusiveness of deconstructionism, the contributors to this volume seek to renew the Enlightenment quest for rationality. Though linked by no common dogma, these essays all argue that the "French Nietzsche" transmitted through the deconstructionists must be reexamined in light of the original context in (...)
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    Le Colloque international de logique.Robert Feys & Colloque International de Logique - 1953
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    On the Interpretation and Use of Mediation: Multiple Perspectives on Mediation Analysis.Robert Agler & Paul De Boeck - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Rules and rote: Beyond the linguistic either-or fallacy.Robert Schreuder, Nivja de Jong, Andrea Krott & Harald Baayen - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1038-1039.
    We report an experiment that unambiguously shows an effect of full-form frequency for fully regular Dutch inflected verbs falling into Clahsen's “default” category, negating Clahsen's claim that regular complex words in the default category are not stored.
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    Some aspects of immigration to the United States in relation to the future American race.Robert De C. Ward - 1916 - The Eugenics Review 7 (4):263.
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    Our Virtual Tribe: Sustaining and Enhancing Community via Online Music Improvisation.Raymond MacDonald, Robert Burke, Tia De Nora, Maria Sappho Donohue & Ross Birrell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:623640.
    This article documents experiences of Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s virtual, synchronous improvisation sessions during COVID-19 pandemic via interviews with 29 participants. Sessions included an international, gender balanced, and cross generational group of over 70 musicians all of whom were living under conditions of social distancing. All sessions were recorded using Zoom software. After 3 months of twice weekly improvisation sessions, 29 interviews with participants were undertaken, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. Key themes include how the sessions provided opportunities for artistic development, enhanced (...)
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    Pension Strategies in Europe and the United States.Robert Fenge, George De Menil & Pierre Pestieau (eds.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
    The editors conclude the volume with a study of recent German and UK reforms and their effects on personal savings.ContributorsTheodore C. Bergstrom, A. Lans Bovenberg, Antoine Bozio, Woojen Chung, Juan C. Conesa, Gabrielle Demange, Richard ...
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  9. Études sur Pascal (1623-1923)..Robert de Sinéty - 1923 - Paris: G. Beauchesne. Edited by Blaise[From Old Catalog] Romeyer, RéGis[From Old Catalog] Jolivet & J. I. V. Souihé.
  10.  64
    Explaining Quantity Implicatures.Robert van Rooij & Tikitu de Jager - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (4):461-477.
    We give derivations of two formal models of Gricean Quantity implicature and strong exhaustivity in bidirectional optimality theory and in a signalling games framework. We show that, under a unifying model based on signalling games, these interpretative strategies are game-theoretic equilibria when the speaker is known to be respectively minimally and maximally expert in the matter at hand. That is, in this framework the optimal strategy for communication depends on the degree of knowledge the speaker is known to have concerning (...)
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    Bits versus brains in content analysis. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated methods for content analysis.Robert van der Vossen & Rutger de Graaf - 2013 - Communications 38 (4):433-443.
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  12. (1 other version)The Analysis of Knowing.Robert K. Shope - 1984 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 89 (1):131-132.
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  13. La Convention d'Oviedo: vers un droit commun européen de la bioéthique.Robert Andorno - 2003 - In Laurence Azoux-Bacrie (ed.), Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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    Liberalization of Peru's formal seed sector.Jeffery W. Bentley, Robert Tripp & Roberto Delgado de la Flor - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (3):319-331.
    During the 1990s, the Government of Peru began to aggressivelyprivatize agriculture. The government stopped loaning money to farmers' cooperatives and closed the government rice-buying company. The government even rented out most of its researchstations and many senior scientists lost their jobs. As part of this trend, the government eliminated its seed certification agency. Instead, private seed certification committees were set up with USAID funding and technical advise from a US university. The committees were supposed to become self-financing (bycertifying seed grown (...)
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    A Relação entre Direito e Moral em Robert Alexy.Henrique Lima de Almeida - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (1):226.
    O presente trabalho realiza uma exposição do pensamento de Robert Alexy no que concerne às relações entre direito e moral, que pode ser entendido como uma tentativa de superação da antiga querela entre juspositivismo e jusnaturalismo. O autor desenvolve, então, um sistemaque permite apreciar as normas jurídicas de acordo com sua qualidade moral, privando de juridicidade aquelas consideradas demasiadamente injustas e corrigindo aquelas consideradassanáveis.
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    Giordano Bruno: Cause, Principle and Unity: And Essays on Magic.Richard J. Blackwell & Robert de Lucca (eds.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Giordano Bruno's notorious public death in 1600, at the hands of the Inquisition in Rome, marked the transition from Renaissance philosophy to the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. In his philosophical works he addressed such delicate issues as the role of Christ as mediator and the distinction, in human beings, between soul and matter. This volume presents new translations of Cause, Principle and Unity, in which he challenges Aristotelian accounts of causality and spells out the implications of Copernicanism for (...)
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  17. Berkeley's Ontology.Robert G. Muehlmann - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (3):386-387.
  18.  19
    As Regulae de Descartes e o reformismo lógico seiscentista.Cristiano Novaes de Rezende - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 46:31-48.
    Seguindo de perto a caracterização que Robert Blanché faz da lógica dos modernos em seu livro História da Lógica de Aristóteles a Bertrand Russell, pretendo mostrar como as Regulae de Descartes instanciam paradigmaticamente algumas das principais características das lógicas reformadas, típicas desse momento histórico. O próprio Blanché oferece vários exemplos do pertencimento de Descartes a esse contexto. De minha parte, pretendo contribuir com a discussão realizando um exame mais detalhado da parte final da Regra X, na qual desponta, já (...)
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  19. Institution: The Significance of Merleau-Ponty’s 1954 Course at the Collège de France.Robert Vallier - 2005 - Chiasmi International 7:281-302.
  20.  14
    (2 other versions)La perception de la musique.Robert Francès - 1958 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    Depuis la premiere edition de cet ouvrage en 1958, l'interet porte a la perception de la musique n'a cesse de croitre. Le domaine de recherche tel qu'il se presente aujourd'hui est, heureusement, degage des clivages institutionnels. Il associe psychologues, acousticiens, theoriciens de la musique, informaticiens, neuro-scientifiques et tous ceux qui contribuent au progres de cette discipline [...] L'ouvrage de R. Frances, par l'influence qu'il a exerce, est devenu un classique. Il analyse de maniere detaillee, entre autre, les effets de l'harmonie (...)
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    COMT Val158Met genotypes differentially influence subgenual cingulate functional connectivity in healthy females.Chris Baeken, Daniele Marinazzo, Stephan Claes, Guo-Rong Wu, Peter Van Schuerbeek, Johan De Mey, Robert Luypaert & Rudi De Raedt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:91612.
    Brain imaging studies have consistently shown subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortical (sgACC) involvement in emotion processing. COMT Val158 and Met158 polymorphisms may influence such emotional brain processes in specific ways. Given that resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) may increase our understanding on brain functioning, we integrated genetic and rsfMRI data and focused on sgACC functional connections. No studies have yet investigated the influence of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism (rs4680) on sgACC resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in healthy individuals. A homogeneous group of sixty-one Caucasian (...)
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    Bibliographie.Robert H. Frank - 1992 - In Die Strategie der Emotionen: Passions Within Reason. De Gruyter. pp. 225-234.
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    Teaching Philosophy Teaches for the Teacher.Robert Ginsberg - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:491-492.
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  24. Autorität und staatsgewalt.Robert Piloty - 1903 - Tübingen,: Mohr.
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    Die Lehre Vom Charakter.Robert Heiss - 1936 - De Gruyter.
    Problematischer Inhalt: Zugriff gesperrt Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Eine digitale Version dieses erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publizierten Titels stellen wir nur auf Nachfrage ausschließlich im Kontext konkreter wissenschaftlicher Forschungsaufgaben zur Verfügung. Mehr erfahren Sie hier.
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    The Affirmation of Life: Nietzsche On Overcoming Nihilism, de Bernard Reginster.Robert B. Pippin - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (62).
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    Nero and the Herakles Frieze at Delphi.Robert Weir - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (2):397-404.
    Cet article se propose de démontrer que la frise du théâtre de Delphes illustrant les Travaux d'Héraklès doit être datée du Ier siècle ap. J.-C. tant à cause de son iconographie que de l'histoire du monument. Il est en effet très probable qu'elle fut sculptée juste avant la visite de Néron à Delphes, en 67 ap. J.-C, dans un effort délibéré pour flatter l'empereur.
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  28. Commentaire de la 'Phénoménologie' de Hegel. De la certitude sensible au savoir absolu.Alexis Philonenko & Robert Stern - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):379-382.
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    From Hegel to existentialism.Robert C. Solomon - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Solomon, widely recognized as a leading authority of continental philosophy and respected as a philosopher in his own right, here brings together twelve of his published articles focusing on key issues in the writings of major continental philosophers including Hegel, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Camus. The essays not only shed light on the thought and interrelations of these writers, but also develop a set of provocative and forcefully argued original theses, and encapsulate some of the central ideas of (...)
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    Avunculus Liber.Robert J. Baker & Bruce A. Marshall - 1977 - Mnemosyne 30 (3):292-293.
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  31. Action and Contemplation: Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle.Robert C. Bartlett & Susan D. Collins - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):1106-1109.
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    Robert Musil and the Nonmodern by Mark M. Freed.Stijn De Cauwer - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (2).
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    China’s economic challenge to Europe.Robert Wihtol - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (53).
    China es el mayor desafío económico de Europa. La aspiración de China por el dominio geopolítico, económico y tecnológico está tensionando gravemente sus relaciones con Europa, que se encuentran en una clara trayectoria descendente. Las posiciones se han endurecido por ambas partes, con China volviéndose económicamente hacia adentro y la Unión Europea etiquetando a China como un competidor total, con limitadas áreas para el compromiso. El enfoque de China es a largo plazo y estratégico, explotando las divisiones internas de la (...)
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  34.  84
    Galen on Language and Ambiguity: An English Translation of Galen's de Captionibus , with Introduction, Text, and Commentary.Robert Blair Edlow - 1977 - Leiden: Brill. Edited by Robert Blair Edlow.
  35.  4
    Historisch overzicht van de wijsbegeerte en de ethiek.Robert van Driessche & Roland van Roy - 1992 - Leuven: Garant. Edited by Roland van Roy.
    Deze studie wil de wijsgerig-ethische stromingen van de 19e en 20e eeuw op een overzichtelijke wijze presenteren. Zij biedt veel en ongetwijfeld kan zij dienst doen als een eerste oriëntatie. De continentale filosofie komt goed aan de orde, zij het dat de auteurs de aandacht voor de bibliografische notities vaak laten gaan ten koste van de toch al summiere inhoudelijke inleidingen. De auteurs beschrijven en beoordelen - dikwijls in moraliserende termen - maar gaan niet in dialoog noch met de behandelde (...)
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    Denken om shalom: de praktische filosofie van Nicholas Wolterstorff.Robert van Putten & Gijsbert van den Brink (eds.) - 2017 - Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn Motief.
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    The German Reception of Darwin's Theory, 1860-1945.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    When Charles Darwin (1859, 482) wrote in the Origin of Species that he looked to the “young and rising naturalists” to heed the message of his book, he likely had in mind individuals like Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919), who responded warmly to the invitation (Haeckel, 1862, 1: 231-32n). Haeckel became part of the vanguard of young scientists who plowed through the yielding turf to plant the seed of Darwinism deep into the intellectual soil of Germany. As Haeckel would later observe, the (...)
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    Some Observations on Libanius, Declamation 36.Robert J. Penella - 2023 - Hermes 151 (2):254-255.
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  39. 7. Recovery from the Past, Rediscovering History: The Problem of Memory and the Promise of History in Catholic Culture.Robert A. Ventresca - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (4).
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    Der Aufbau der Rechtsordnung.Robert Walter - 1964 - Graz,: Leykam.
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    Weltklugheit: die Tradition der europäischen Moralistik.Robert Zimmer - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Die Meisterwerke der Moralistik haben Millionen von Menschen als philosophische Lebensbegleiter gedient. Doch worum geht es in der Moralistik eigentlich? 0Die Moralistik befasst sich mit der Natur des Menschen und mit Möglichkeiten kluger, individueller Selbstbehauptung. Sie führt die antiken Ansätze einer philosophischen Klugheitslehre fort und besetzt damit einen in der neuzeitlichen Ethik vernachlässigten Teil der praktischen Philosophie. Ihre Meisterwerke vermitteln uns Menschenkenntnis und soziale Orientierung und stehen uns auf dem Weg eines gelingenden Lebens beratend zur Seite. In ihnen liegt der (...)
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    Simone Weil: une philosophie du travail.Robert Chenavier - 2001 - Paris: Cerf.
    Dans les années 1930, une philosophe prolonge les analyses de " l'école française de la perception " (Lagneau, Alain) en élaborant la plus rigoureuse des philosophies du travail. Cette perspective philosophique nourrit déjà les écrits de la très jeune Simone Weil - écrits peu étudiés jusqu'à présent - et fournit un fil conducteur pour la lecture des textes militants, de la correspondance et du Journal d'usine. Le dévoilement de la signification philosophique de ces textes fait apparaître à la fois le (...)
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    Lettre ouverte à un malade en colère.Robert Soupault - 1970 - Paris,: A. Michel.
    Il serait étonnant qu’en un temps où toutes les traditions, les valeurs, les mœurs sont sujettes à contestation et à mutation, la médecine échappât à la conjoncture. Ce n’est pas, bien entendu, son principe qui est en cause. La crise qu’elle traverse concerne ses méthodes, ses pouvoirs, son rôle social, son mode d’exercice. Elle perd en art ce qu’elle gagne en science. Et, d’autre part, elle se trouve arbitre des intérêts désormais contraires de l’individu et de la société. Les médecins (...)
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  44. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch and Anthony Kenny, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume III: The Correspondence Reviewed by.Frederick P. Van De Pitte - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (4):236-237.
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    M. Tulli Ciceronis De Domo Sua Ad Pontifices Oratio.William G. Fletcher & Robert G. Nisbet - 1942 - American Journal of Philology 63 (3):374.
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    Derrida and autobiography.Robert Smith - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The work of Jacques Derrida can be seen to reinvent most theories. In this book Robert Smith offers both a reading of the philosophy of Derrida and an investigation of current theories of autobiography. Smith argues that for Derrida autobiography is not so much subjective self-revelation as relation to the other, not so much a general condition of thought as a general condition of writing - what Derrida calls the 'autobiography of the writing' - which mocks any self-centred finitude (...)
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  47. Kantstudien-Ergänzungshefte 191.Robert Greenberg - 2016
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    Die philosophie der kraft.Robert Hessen - 1913 - Stuttgart,: J. Hoffmann.
    Excerpt from Die Philosophie der Kraft Seinen 'ruf unter hen bellenen erwarb er fich 018 23eumpfer her fogrnannten Sovhifieu. Ilnh wenn wir von einem her oberften bief er Rlaff e, von Sorgiae, erfahren, ha er einer Schrift hen Stitel gegeben habe: "dom 92 i d) t feienhen ober von her fo merten wir Mon, wa wir auch von bief em Gleatenjiinger gu halten haben. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at (...)
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  49.  11
    Democracy and American Foreign Policy: Reflections on the Legacy of Alexis de Tocqueville.Robert Strausz-Hupé - 1995 - Transaction.
    Since World War I, the United States has pursued the defense of Western civilization as a critical element of its own national interest. In his provocative reconsideration of that goal, Robert Strausz-Hupe asks whether the American people can still agree upon and adopt foreign policies consistently devoted to that end. He specifically examines popular and paradoxical attitudes that often undermine Washington's ability to defend American and Western interests, attitudes towards society and the state, politics and government, instruments of foreign (...)
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    Coda.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 459-464.
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